LEN's Grade 10 Blog:

Hello! There are many reasons for you to have stumbled upon my blog. Maybe you know me from somewhere else on the net -my deviantART, my YouTube, among other things- but whatever the reason is, the main thing to know about this blog is that it's old! That's right, ancient~ (Or at least in terms of the internet) However, it is part of my personal history, so it would feel wrong for me to permanently remove it.

So I'm just going to let it sit here to rot, and hope that it blends well into it's surroundings.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Character Casting

  Before you begin reading this purely fictional article, I want to clarify and make it perfectly clear to you that there is no new title being released into the zelda series of games called "The Legend of Zelda: Lantern of Light" (although, who knows? Somewhere in the distant future, the series may eventually use a title similar to the fictional one I just made: considering the fact that there will always be Zelda fanbase somewhere in the world of gaming.)  It would be interesting to see what versions of zelda our grand-kids would be playing, but until then, there will be no Legend of Zelda: Lantern of light. (not be taken seriously people!)

  This blog post was created during the developmental stages of The Skyward Sword and is, by no means trying to dispute or discredit any of Nintendo's efforts on their upcoming title for the Wii.  I am not an associate of Nintendo, nor am I considered coupled with any of their staff.  If anything, this is only meant to be directed as a parody on the Legend of Zelda series, so please don't take any of this seriously.
I will also ask of you to not use the character(s) mentioned in this posting (as well as any of my other postings) without my permission, or at least some credit for my work.  If you wish to use any of my ideas for your own personal use, please write-in your reasoning behind doing so in the comment section below. 
(I'm looking at you Takashi Tezuka!)
hehe (-_<)

 Dear Shigeru Miyamoto,

  I have commenced my work on the new lead character in the up-in-coming title "The Legend of Zelda: Lantern of Light" that you have asked me to create for you.  I am confident in the design for the character Cro-ket, and believe that I finally have come-up with one that works.  So, without a further a do, let's begin. 

  Cro-ket looks somewhat like a cross between a lemur and a frog, and sounds like a hissing cricket.  Pale-white with a blue tinge in colour, his speckled, smooth skin feels somewhat like a the outside of a peach, only not as fuzzy.  He fashions darker-coloured tiger strips down his legs and forearms, and raccoon-rings around his pure, white and soulful eyes.

  His favourite food is fireflies (you can see them glowing from the inside of his stomach when he eats them.)  He is surprisingly light-weight for his size, and seem to feel somewhat hollow. 

  Cro-ket has four fingers, three fingers positioned on the top of his hand, and an apposing thumb on the bottom.  His fingers are frog-like, with heavily-weighted tips that work somewhat like suction cups, which help him to have a better grip when climbing trees.  The only difference in his fingers from a tree frog's is that they have more dexterity and allow him to pick-up objects better than what a frog can, but not as well as a human.

  His head is very obtuse when compared with/put into proportion with the rest of his body.  Elongated and blubber-like, it rests across his back and appears to serve no purpose, until threatened that is.  The extra flab, acts as a sack for holding poison, in which he uses in defence against predators.  It inflates when he breaths inward and upon breathing outward, deflates as he spits acidic sludge out of his mouth (or back if so he chooses.) 

  Although he breathes through the holes on his back, his mouth can inhale as well.  It is completely separate from his respiratory system, and only takes in air through an expanding and contrasting muscle in his head (the same muscle that directs the flow of air into his poison sack.) 
  Link will join-up with Cro-ket somewhere towards the beginning of the game when he has an encounter with an evil demon spirit said to protect the swam just outside his home village.  Cro-ket will come out of nowhere to try to save Link, but will somehow get hurt in the process.  After defeating the swamp demon, Link will carry the injured amphibian back to his home in the village, and repay Cro-ket for his efforts, by catering to his injuries and aiding him back to health. 

  One morning, Link is awakened by the sound of thumping and breaking glass inside the kitchen of his hut.  He walks down the stairs and enters the room to find that Cro-ket is awake and feeling well.  In an effort to save his home from being totally ripped-apart by the presence of a hobbling frog, Link quickly opens the door and allows the frog to exit into the light of day.  The frog wastes no time in escaping the home, as it makes a mad-dash towards the forest's edge.  Link decides to follow Cro-ket into the depths of the thicket to try and find-out what was causing the frog to become so agitated. 

  Cro-ket leads link to the village's sacred ceremonial grounds in the swamped section of the woods.  The land there is said to be the place where the gods first touched the earth's soil, and is mentioned in many of the village’s legends.  Many religious ceremonies and burials take place there, for the villages believe that the swamp holds the entrance-way into heaven (the "sacred realm" as referred to in other series of the game) and is always kept dimly-lighted by the grounds caretakers through the use of torch lights.  In the center of the playfield is a single cauldron-shaped lantern that is burning with an orange, flickering glow. (It will also play a major role in the plot of the game, but for the meantime we will only touch bases on it)

  At this point in the game, Link may or may not have a weapon to use against any forces of evil yet (I'm still questioning whether or not it is necessary to have one to defeat the swamp demon mentioned earlier, so I'm debating if it is needed to have a weapon to use here as well.) If not, then Link will have to avoid being seen by the priest guarding the swamp by crouching around walls and ducking behind objects.  This will get the player used to the control scheme for this game, and also give them some helpful insights on stealthiness as well (which is one of the key elements of gameplay this time around.)

  Anyway, however the events play-out, Link will eventually make his way towards the center cauldron while following Cro-ket, and somehow enter the sacred realm mentioned in the legend.  While there, the three goddesses (Din the goddess of power, Farore the goddess of courage, and Nayru the goddess of wisdom) will warn link of a horible event that is about to take place within the land.  Upon leaving the sacred realm, the goddesses will give Link a golden lantern (the lantern of light) and tell him to light it by the flame that rests by the alter inside of the flaming cauldron, and take that flame to the seven sanctuaries of the land.  After having lit the lantern, link is transferred back to his world by the gods, and thus, the quest begins. 

  As you and I both know, Cro-ket is the new secondary character in The Legend of Zelda: Lantern of Light, playing a similar roll to that of Navi in Ocarina of time, and Minda in Twilight Princess.  Aside from being a secondary character, he will play just as an important part in the story as Link does, this time around.  Later in the story, an event will happen that causes link to realise that Cro-ket is actually the spirit of the lantern of light and can be contained within the lantern itself.  Cro-ket can then be used for a number of different attacks, such as being turned into a controllable flame that can be directed at foes, and being catapulted off the end of a pole that rests on link's shoulders as a projectile.  He may even have the option of become infused with the master sword somewhere towards the end of the game. 

  As always, there will be many puzzle that will be required of link to be solved as you progress through the game.  Some of the old ideas on puzzles will kept, such as pushing a box or a crate on top of a grounded switch to open a locked door.  But I also feel that with the introduction of the new character Cro-ket, that we will be able to experiment on a whole other level of gameplay through puzzle building that we have never had the opportunity to do before. 
  Cro-ket opens many windows of opportunity for us in terms of gameplay and story content; never has link had a partner like this before.  I think we have good, well-rounded and thought provoking characters in our hands now, so lets start work on constructing or next big release in the series of Zelda games, The Legend of Zelda: Lantern of Light

                                                                                                                     Takashi Tezuka

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Scott. I posted an entry about your character on my carterspace blog. http://carterspace.blogspot.com/2010/10/introducing-cro-ket.html

    Mr. Carter
